All events

Project Tiger: Joining the Dots for India's Wildlife Conservation

The Intersection of Culture and Conservation

Recognizing and Bolstering Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Leadership in Conservation

Towards a More Inclusive Conservation Science

Red List assessment and its potential for parasite conservation

Revolutionizing Species Monitoring: The Promise of Integrated eDNA/eRNA Assays in Ecological Research and Conservation

Event:  Revolutionizing Species Monitoring: The Promise of Integrated eDNA/eRNA Assays in Ecological Research and Conservation

Launch of the Technical Report Series guideline ‘A framework for monitoring biodiversity in protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures’

International Geodiversity Day – 6 October

4th European Congress on Orthoptera Conservation

4 Jul '24 09:30 - 6 Jul '24 18:12 (CEST)

Recording Orthoptera Sounds

8 Jul '24 10:00 - 12 Jul '24 17:33 (CEST)

Increasing Transparency and Accountability in Protected and Conserved Area Reporting

Plataforma de Contribuciones para la Naturaleza

16 Apr '24 09:00 - 19 Apr '24 18:00 (CEST)

Evento Paralelo COP3 Acuerdo de Escazú “Experiencias y buenas prácticas en planes de acción de género para generar un entorno seguro y propicio para mujeres defensoras ambientales”

The Case for Biodiversity Rights

23 Apr '24 11:00 - 12:00 (CEST)

The Case for Biodiversity Rights

23 Apr '24 19:00 - 20:00 (CEST)

Blending Technology with Nature Conservation and Sustainable Development

1st Nature-based Education Summit

4 May '24 18:00 - 5 May '24 01:00 (CEST)

Plataforma de Contribuciones para la Naturaleza

Event date 16 Apr '24 09:00 - 19 Apr '24 18:00 (CEST)
The event will take place at the Pabellón Personas, Chapultepec 2a Sección, Ciudad de México

The Intersection of Culture and Conservation

Event date 25 Apr '24 16:00 - 18:00 (CEST)
The event will take place at the Zoom

1st Nature-based Education Summit

Event date 4 May '24 18:00 - 5 May '24 01:00 (CEST)
The event will take place at the UCLA Lab School